Article References

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Category for reference posts relating to Non-fiction article posts.

References for A Theme-based Online Curriculum for the Teaching of Science Fiction

by Jean Asselin These are the sources referenced in "A Theme-based Online Curriculum for the Teaching of Science Fiction" Adams, J. J. (Ed.). (2008). Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse. San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books. Adams, J. J. (Ed.). (2009). Federations. Rockville, MD: Prime Books. Adams, J. J. (Ed.). (2011). Brave New Worlds: Dystopian Stories. [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:25-05:00February 21st, 2014|Article References, Issue #3, Non-Fiction|

James Gunn and the Foundations of Academic Science Fiction Criticism References

Gunn, J. (1975a). Alternate Worlds. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. ---. (1977b). Kampus. New York: Bantam. ---. (March, 1953). “The Philosophy of Science Fiction, Part One” Dynamic Science Fiction. 104-113. ---. (June, 1953). “The Philosophy of Science Fiction, Part Two.” Dynamic Science Fiction. 83-91. ---. (October, 1953). “The Plot-Forms of Science Fiction.” Dynamic Science Fiction. 44-53. ---. [...]

2016-08-14T22:45:59-05:00June 11th, 2013|Article References, Issue #2|

Science Fiction Goes to College References

By Michael R. Page These are the sources referenced in "Science Fiction Goes to College" References Allen, D. (Ed.). (1971). Science Fiction: The Future. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Allen, L. D. (1973). Science Fiction: An Introduction. Lincoln: Cliffs Notes. Asimov, I. (May, 1972). “Academe and I.” Fantasy and Science Fiction. 133-43. Bova, B. (June, [...]

2016-08-15T13:16:25-05:00June 10th, 2013|Article References, Issue #2, Non-Fiction|

Mutation and Infertility References

By Victor Grech, et al. These are the articles referenced in "Mutation and Infertility in Science Fiction" Aldiss B. W. (1973). Billion Year Spree: The True History Of Science Fiction. Garden City: Doubleday. Althusser L. (1976). Reply to John Lewis (self-criticism). Essays in self-criticism. (Grahame Lock Trans.). London: New Left. Anderson P. (1989). “Iron.” Man-Kzin wars [...]

2016-08-15T11:56:19-05:00June 20th, 2012|Article References, Issue #1, Non-Fiction|

Fantastic Journeys References

By Sheila Finch These are the sources referenced in Sheila Finch's "Fantastic Journeys of the Mythic Kind by Sheila Finch ." Benford, G. (1987). Great sky river. New York: Bantam. Benford, G. (1989). Tides of light. New York: Bantam. Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. N.J.: Princeton University Press. Clement, H. (1954). [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:28-05:00June 20th, 2012|Article References, Issue #1, Non-Fiction|

Human Evolution References

By Jean Asselin These are the articles referenced in Jean Asselin's "Human Evolution As a Framework for the Themes of Science Fiction." Antón, S. C., & Swisher, C. C., III. (2004). Early dispersals of Homo from Africa. Annual Review of Anthropology, 33, 271-296. Barthell, R. J. (1971). SF: A literature of ideas. Extrapolation, 13, 56-63. [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:29-05:00June 20th, 2012|Article References, Issue #1, Non-Fiction|
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