Issue #14

Featuring Stories by: Aaron Emmel, Andrew Jensen, Rachel Kabongo, Julia LaFond, Brian D. Hinson and Matt Hollingsworth

Poems by: Alicia Hilton and J.D. Harlock

The Queen Exposed

by Jean Asselin, Editor-In-Chief

We live in “interesting” times, as the ancient Chinese curse goes, including the newfound interest in chess sparked by “The Queen’s Gambit” miniseries. … As it turns out, there are aspects of the game of chess itself that can serve as a metaphor for writing fiction.

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On Revising

October 29th, 2023|

The morning slog through a max of 300 words of a first draft. Ploughing a rocky field with a Neolithic ploughshare, stopping every foot or so to pry up a boulder and roll it over to the growing drystone field wall.